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Check, inspect, perform tests and measurements

Welcom to SmartEye!

The company was founded on the basis of 13 years of experience in construction / electrical power engineering.

The core of the company is a master’s degree in electrical engineering, who gained knowledge and experience on the international market by implementing prestigious projects in various parts of the world. This created a solid foundation for the creation of “SmartEye” – a company strongly focused on the use of modern technologies in solving everyday problems and finding the reasons for their occurrence.

The company’s policy is based on ensuring the highest quality of services provided. This is reflected firstly in education and experience, and secondly – in the excellent equipment of renowned brands such as: Fluke, Sonel, Flir, Wiha, Baho, Knipex and others.
Our equipment has up-to-date calibration certificates, inspections and the highest quality service carried out in accredited laboratories. We have a wide range of required qualifications, training and certificates recognized all over the world, such as:
  • Thermography Trening Course ITC,
  • Construction Skills Certification Scheme CSCS,
  • Electric Qualification Certificate E and D in the scope (operation, maintenance, repairs, assembly, control and measurement) without voltage limits,
  • Certificate of the Fire Protection Inspector,
  • Qualification certificate for the operation and maintenance of hoists and winches,
  • Internal auditor of the occupational health and safety management system .
odbiór instalacji elektrycznej
Cooperation with us is a synonym of quality, reliability, professionalism and the highest standards of the services provided. The Smart Eye will see everything, nothing will escape his attention, it will reach everywhere, it will not fail! Do you want to find out? Call us and check us out!

The services we provide


Electrical Measurements

We carry out acceptance protocols as well as check installation components and whole systems

pomiar natężenia oświetlenia

Light Intensity Measurement

We perform measurement of lighting of workplaces - indoor workplaces measurements, as well as Emergency lighting

badania termowizyjne

Termal Imaging Inspection

We perform thermal imaging of buildings, solar panels, electrical installations and much more

protokół powypadkowy

HSE and Fire Protection

We conduct trainings like Health and Safety and as well Fire Protection. We supervise construction sites and perform audits.

automatyka, budowanie szaf sterowniczych
złącza kablowe stargard
temperatura badanie
rozdzielnica, badanie

Electrical Measurements

badania instalacji elektrycznej

We perform acceptance and periodic inspection of elektrical installation required by the regulation of the construction law.

Depending on the client’s needs, we perform measurements:

  • insulation resistance,
  • fault loop parameters,
  • RCD parameters,
  • resistance-to-earth,
  • soil resistivity,
  • voltage drop ΔU,
  • low-voltage resistance measurement,

and inspection of:

  • checking the correctness of PE (protective earth) connections,
  • phase sequence,
  • motor rotation direction,
  • light intensity measurement (illuminance),
  • fire safety switch,
  • measurement and recording of parameters of power networks (such as voltage, current, power, harmonics values, etc).

We perform electrical measurements at:

  • apartments,
  • homes,
  • enterprise,
  • workplaces,
  • wind turbines,
  • solar / photovoltaic power plants.

Electrical measurements are not only a legal requirement.It is primarily concern and responsibility for the safety of one’s own, family and employees. Increasingly, they are also the guarantor of the solvency of compensation by the insurance company in the event of a specific incident.

Termal Imaging Inspection

The thermal imaging technique uses infrared radiation to visualize the temperature distribution of a given object. Thanks to thermal imaging cameras, we can see phenomena that are invisible to the bare eye.

Thermal imaging cameras turn out to be very effective diagnostic tools in many areas, mainly in:

  • building applications,
  • renewable energies (solar panels, wind turbines,)
  • industrial applications,
  • elektrical installations,
  • medicine.

The image presented by the thermal imaging camera allows to obtain very fast, non-contact and safe information on the condition of the examined object.

As a standard, we conduct inspection with FLIR cameras with an infrared detector resolution of min. 384 x 288 (110 592 measurement points), in the temperature range from -20°C to 1200°C, with a termal sensitivity below  0,04°C.

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Termowizja Stargard, Podczerwień
Energetyka termowizja Stargard

Electric power industry. Thermal imaging cameras are used for non-contact measurements of elektrical installations connections and the confition of devices such as: 

  • power transformers,
  • distribution boards,
  • protection equipment,
  • motors,
  • gearboxes,
  • solar panels,
  • batteries,
  • capacitor banks,
  • and more

This allows hot spots to be detected early and take an action before costly breakdowns or fire occur. 

The thermal imaging method allows to detect many possible problems, damages or technical defects of various objects and devices with accuracy that has not been available so far. It is a kind of technological revolution taking place in front of our eyes. Move to another dimension of faults and failures diagnostics.

Building applications. Inspecting buildings using a thermal imaging camera is a powerful and non invasive means of monitoring and diagnosis the condition of buildings. Thermal imaging technology has become one of the most valuable diagnostic tools for building inspections . We can identify problems early, allowing them to be documented and corrected before becoming more serious and more costly to repair. We perform audits of buildings according to EN 13187:1998 Thermal performance of buildings – Qualitative detection of thermal irregularities in building envelopes – Infrared method. We use both simplified and complete tests according to the above-mentioned standards.

Thermal imaging camera can help:

  • visualize energy losses,
  • detect missing or defective insulation,
  • source air leaks,
  • find moisture in insulation, in foofs and walls, both in the internal and the external structure,
  • dectect mold and badly insulated areas,
  • locate termal bridges,
  • locate water infiltration,
  • detect breaches in hot-water pipes,
  • detect construction failures,
  • monitor the drying of buildings,
  • find faults in supply lines and district heating.
  • and much more.

Don’t buy a pig in a poke! Before buying an apartment, house, business premises or other real estate property, make a professional inspection using a thermal imaging camera. See what you cannot see with the bare eye.

mostek termiczny Stargard

Health and Safety (HSE) and Fire protection

Nadzór bhp Stargard, wypadek

The obligation to train employees in the field of health and safety at work is dictated by the law. Education and prevention in this area is one of the basic pillars of safety work.

We provide complex care at OHS and Fire protection field, especially in scope of:

  • OHS training (introductory / periodic),
  • Banksman & Slinger training,
  • First Aid training
  • Fire Protection training,
  • development of the Fire Safety Instruction 
  • development of an occupational risk assessment,
  • development of IBWR – Instruction of Safe Performance of Works,
  • conducting HSE and Fire Protection audits,
  • light intensity measurement at workplaces,
  • preparation of post-accident documentation.

Many years of experience in the industry means that our training is not just a handful of dry information, but a solid portion of interesting practical knowledge, supported by numerous examples, presented in an interesting and innovative form.

Contact Form

Do you want to know more ? 

Call us or send a message. We will prepare a free  quote

VAT no.: 8542068524

Regon: 812712108

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